Chiropractic Care for Kids

Chiropractic Care for Children in Mermaid Beach


As birth can be one of the most traumatic events to cause subluxations that we’ll ever experience, the most important time to begin chiropractic care to correct those subluxations is as soon as a baby is born. Should subluxations and their associated pain and conditions be present? The sooner the subluxation is corrected, the sooner the brain and nervous system can function correctly, and the quicker the pain can be helped. Chiropractic has long said, ‘You’ve never had a chance since birth’!

Being Born is Not Easy!

Even so-called ‘natural births’ can cause trauma to a developing spine and may often cause other baby health problems. Initially, uncontrolled head movements and early falls can cause subluxations to the baby’s delicately developing spine. As the brain and nervous system run and control body functions, adjusting vertebral subluxations may help with symptom-related conditions. For example, adjusting the baby’s spine may help with musculoskeletal aspects of a non-musculoskeletal condition, such as the muscular tension often associated with asthma, constant crying, inability to sleep, scoliosis and ‘growing pains’ (to name just a few).

And in these circumstances, chiropractic care could help manage the condition alongside care from other practitioners. If neglected, the falls and traumas during this vital rapid growth and development period may lead to spinal problems later in life. Booking for a chiropractic examination with your Dive Chiropractic Centre will help detect if your child has spinal subluxations suffered through birth, slips or falls. Also, if there are any musculoskeletal aspects of a non-musculoskeletal condition such as asthma, constant crying, inability to sleep, scoliosis and ‘growing pains’ as discussed above. Interestingly enough, chiropractic problems found in adults usually begin during childhood.

When Should Children Have Their Spines Checked for Subluxation?

As soon after birth as possible, should you notice any of the above conditions?

Chiropractic adjustments should begin as soon as there are subluxations. Since most subluxations occur at birth or during the years when our bodies are developing and growing, it is vital to have a spinal checkup and adjust the ensuing subluxations and associated conditions (listed above) as soon as possible.

What Are the Benefits of Having Your Children Regularly Checked for Subluxations When in Pain?

Children constantly slip, fall and stumble, ending up with aches and pains and muscle strains. Heavy school bags add to the problem.

Firstly, a chiropractic checkup to find and correct those subluxations when your child is in pain will help to ease the pain while greatly assisting the spine and nervous system to function more normally.

Secondly, correcting the cause of the pain by adjusting the misaligned vertebra (subluxation) will also help slow down spinal degeneration.

Thirdly, it can help ensure the organs receive a proper nerve supply.

Children Need Chiro Too

Back and neck pain affects people of all ages, from babies to the elderly. If your children haven’t yet been to a doctor of chiropractic to check out the cause of that pain and discomfort they’re suffering, now’s the time – due to the many accidents, falls and traumas a child suffers throughout childhood, it’s highly probable they’re suffering from a pain-causing subluxation.

A spinal checkup and adjustment are the key to finding out if a subluxation is the cause of their pain. Especially so when adjusting the baby’s spine may help with musculoskeletal aspects of a non-musculoskeletal condition, such as the muscular tension often associated with asthma, constant crying, inability to sleep, scoliosis and ‘growing pains’ (to name just a few). Your children deserve that as much as you do. Isn’t it time you had their pain checked by your doctor of chiropractic?

Book your children in today

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