Chiropractic Care While Pregnant

Chiropractic Treatment for Pregnant Mums

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

When Trying to Conceive

Adjusting women throughout pregnancy is one of the most rewarding aspects of chiropractic.

Biomechanical changes and stress to the neuromusculoskeletal system are present during and immediately after pregnancy.

Chiropractic evaluation and treatment of the spine and sacroiliac joints of the pelvis during this period may be warranted and considered a safe and effective means of treating common musculoskeletal symptoms of a non-musculoskeletal condition that many pregnant patients encounter, such as the muscular tension often associated with back labour (contractions and sharp pain felt in the lower back during labour).1

Receiving chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can help relieve back pain.

1 Vallone S. The role of chiropractic in pregnancy. ICA Int Rev Chiropr. 2002:47–51.

While Pregnant

During pregnancy, multiple hormonal changes and chemical reactions occur in the mother and the developing baby, all controlled and coordinated via the nervous system. Now more than ever during pregnancy, a healthy spine and nervous system that responds immediately and accurately to changing requirements in your body are essential.

As weight is gained through pregnancy, especially in the abdomen, there is a downward and forward pull on the lower spine. This extra weight, combined with gait and centre of gravity changes, can set the stage for backache and neck pain. As labour approaches, the body releases a hormone called relaxin, which loosens ligaments. This may exaggerate the effects of an existing spinal or pelvis problem.

The positioning of the baby and its movement, as well as expansion of the lower part of the ribcage to accommodate your growing baby, can also cause discomfort in the ribs and upper portion of the lower back whilst increasing breast size in preparation for lactation and may create upper back subluxations.


Body position during delivery is critical.

Squatting can help—gravity works to help the pelvic outlet open to a greater degree. Therefore, squatting during delivery can decrease the use of forceps and shorten the second stage of labour than the semi-recumbent position!

Ensuring You Are the One!

As your pregnancy advances, your Dive Chiropractic Centre will use special pregnancy pillows and tables with drop-away pelvic pieces, which are used to accommodate your growing belly.

We will also check for misalignment of the pelvic bones, the sacrum and vertebrae and the spasm of the ligaments that support the uterus and help hold the pelvis together.

Chiropractic care has helped new mothers become more comfortable when breastfeeding (posture-wise).

Contact us to discuss chiropractic care during your pregnancy.

Book now for peace of mind

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